The average house price on WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE is £452,774
The most expensive house in the street is 9 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE with an estimated value of £526,681
The cheapest house in the street is 5 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE with an estimated value of £398,213
The house which was most recently sold was 4 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE, this sold on 7 Feb 2023 for £427,500
The postcode for WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE is SK6 6QD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £447,675 £121,000 29 Sep 2000
4 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £430,375 £427,500 7 Feb 2023
5 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £398,213 £165,000 23 Apr 2003
6 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £420,121 £245,000 13 Jul 2012
7 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £483,880 £350,000 13 Jan 2016
8 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £462,475 £125,000 26 Sep 2000
9 WHEELWRIGHT CLOSE Detached £526,681 £472,500 27 Oct 2021